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Don’t trifle over controversial questions - says PrepLadder Alumni Dr. Soumyadeep (DNB Rank 2)

Jul 24, 2017

“The destiny of hard work is always success”. Team PrepLadder congratulates Dr. Soumyadeep Ghosh on his brilliant success in achieving Rank 2 in DNB and we wish him an excellent career ahead. Dr. Soumyadeep was also Rank 1 in DNB All India Mock test conducted by PrepLadder. His exclusive interview with PrepLadder will be an inspiration for other aspirants as he shares the plan that led him to this achievement. Hello, please tell us something about yourself. Hello! My name is Soumyadeep Ghosh. I did my graduation from Nilratan Sircar Medical College, Kolkata. I secured Rank 2 in DNB CET July, 2017. What do you think is the correct approach to study for DNB? Only MCQ's or Theory + MCQ's? DNB is no longer a one-liner predominant exam as the relative number of clinical vignettes is increasing every year. A basic knowledge of each subject coupled with a bountiful armamentarium of MCQs can help secure the rank you desire. This can be made possible by following standard textbooks and giving regular tests. The importance of reviewing last few years’ questions needs no mention. When should the preparation ideally be started? For me, the foundation of medical knowledge began in college. I didn't start regular MCQ practice until my early days of internship. A tip for those yet to appear: check your retention power and schedule revision of major subjects (notes + MCQs) accordingly. Please list the books you studied for each subject. I read the following books for preparation:

  • Anatomy- Gray's & Snell
  • Physiology- Ganong
  • Biochemistry-Harper
  • Microbiology- Ananthnarayan
  • Pathology- Robbins
  • Pharmacology- KDT
  • Forensic-Karmakar
  • PSM- Park
  • Ophthalmology-Khurana
  • Medicine- Harrison's
  • Surgery- Bailey & Love, SRB
  • Paediatrics- OP Ghai
  • Radiology-Dr. Sumer Sethi's book
  • Psychiatry- Kaplan USMLE notes
  • Orthopedics- Maheshwari
  • Anesthesia- ACROSS
Have you attempted any PG exam previously? If yes, what were your ranks then and what did you do different this time that lead to your success? Yes, previously I attempted PG exams and my ranks were 1092 in DNB CET July 2016 and 13000 in AIPG 2016. Simply keep revising at regular intervals and weed out the negative thoughts from your psyche. How big is the role of practice and revision while preparing for DNB and how much time should be dedicated for it? Quite a few questions turned out to be twisted cousins of the last few years' questions. So give online test series on a trusted platform and go through Kalam's three volumes on DNB CET question bank thoroughly. Did PrepLadder play a part in your success? If yes, how? Absolutely! Their grand test series (SWTs and GTs targeting NEET and DNB pattern) proved extremely helpful and is a must-do in the last few months before the exam. Did you use a time table/study plan to keep your preparation on track? Yes, I did follow a time table. Keep track of your progress and adjust your time table accordingly. Plans will never pan out the way you want them to. So be prepared for the worst. Were you a topper or a mediocre student during MBBS? I was an above average student in college. List the most difficult and easiest subjects for you. Psychiatry was the most difficult for me initially but I overcame the immense fear associated with the subject with regular revision. Anatomy and Medicine were my strongest to be frank. One mistake that you believe everyone must avoid while preparing for DNB. Do not trifle over controversial questions as there are many but seldom do they turn up in your set. In IRT psychometric marking, they don't make a difference in your rank. What was your exam taking strategy in DNB? How many questions did you attempt? I needed to get 250+ questions correct for a good rank. Since there is no negative marking, one must attempt all questions and guesses should be learned guesses and not falling for the distracter options provided in a few tricky questions. Some last tips for our readers preparing for PG? Be confident. Trust yourself. Don't trifle over controversial questions. All the Best.. Keep following PrepLadder!!
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