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Key Topics in PSM for PGMEE

Nov 1, 2018

Key Topics in PSM for PGMEE

PSM is an important part of Medical PG Entrance exams. Most aspirants find it boring and a vast subject. In this blog we will cast some light on the key topics in PSM which will be useful for upcoming PGMEE examinations. The table below comprises of the list of topics from NEET/NBE and AIIMS point of view. The comprehensive list prepared must be prepared and revised thoroughly.

Important Topics in PSM

Epidemiology Cohort-RR, Advantages/ Disadvantages Case control-OR, Adv/ Disdv RCT Clinical trials Retrospective/ Mixed cohort Nested case control RCT Meta-analysis Evidence Based medicine
History of medicine Theories of disease causation Names of Scientists Names of epidemiologists -
Health & Disease PQLI/ HDI Levels of prevention ICD-10 Types of epidemics HPI/ Multidimensional poverty
Vaccines & Cold chain Types of vaccines National schedule Contraindications Cold chain AEFIs
Screening of disease Sensitivity/ Specificity Names of Screening tests Names of diagnostic tests Validity/ Reliability Likelihood ratio ROC curve Bayes’ theorem
 Communicable diseases Measles, Rubella, Influenza, TB Typhoid, Cholera, ORS Hepatitis A/ E HIV Malaria/ Dengue Rickettsial diseases TB, H1N1 Cholera epidemic Hepatitis B STDs/ HIV Malaria/ Dengue
 Non-communicable diseases  Blindness Obesity Cancers  Blindness
National health programs & policies & legislation   RNTCP, NVBDCP, NLEP, NACP MTP NHM, NRHM, RNTCP, NVBDCP, NLEP, NACP, NPCDCS RBSY NREGA, MTP, PNDT
 Social sciences Definitions SES scale - Kuppuswami  Theories of diseases (Sociology)
Health economics Definitions – GDP, NNP, GNI Values – GDP Growth, Health Expenditure
Demography Definitions & values Formulae Census Family Indicators Data collection systems Definitions
Contraception Methods in RCH program Pearl index Composition, Adv/Disadv Newer Methods
Preventive Obstetrics, Paediatrics Values RCH program components Pneumonia control School health, IQ level ICDS RCH program components JSSK School health
Nutrition RDA of nutrients, References man/ woman Vitamin deficiencies Mid-day meal program Uncommon nutrient deficiencies
Environment Values Water-Chlorination, Quality Air-Quality Entomology- Vectors Water- Chlorination, Quality Air- Quality Waste Disposal Entomology- Vectors, Control
Health communication Didactic/ Socratic methods Definition of methods Health propaganda
Health care system Health centres Health workers Primary health care- Definition Primary health care- Definition, Elements, Principles
Health planning & management H. committees H. management techniques Universal health coverage
International health International health regulations WHO, UNICEF Bioterrorism agents International surveillance
Biomedical waste management Wastes segregation, disposal Newer Methods
Occupational health Pneumoconioses Lead poisoning ESI/ Factory act ESI act Occupational cancers
Genetics ABO system Hardy Weinberg law -
Mental heath Epidemiology in India Suicide Mental health care act
Biostatistics Central tendency Dispersion Normal distribution Statistical graphs Variables Chi-square test/ Paired t-test Central tendency Dispersion Normal/ skewed distribution Statistical graphs Scales Sampling- Methods/ Size Correlation/ Regression Statistical tests Statistical errors Confidence level/ intervals
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Also Read : Screening of Disease - NEET PG PSM More subjects important topics will follow soon... Keep Following PrepLadder
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